An offering for the current and future health students of Australia.

An offering for the current and future health students of Australia.

Born from the lack of real student experiences published online, the “Students of Natural Health” podcast provides glimpses into the lifestyles of Australian students studying alternative health degrees.

Each episode is a unique interview, discussing natural medicine philosophy, motivation as a student, challenges to study, managing the crazy HECS DEBTS, and the logistics of studying at the universities offering these degrees. The podcast has become well known in the Australian naturopathic scene, and has become an incredible medium for students to begin collaborating in a professional capacity, inform and inspire future students on their study progression, and provide feedback to the institutions offering the degrees. The episodes are released monthly on all major streaming platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Audible, Youtube and more.

For advertising or collaboration inquires, please fill out my contact form.

What People Are Saying

“Listening to the last episode on your Pod!! This has been so amazing, it’s so great being able to hear other people’s experiences and getting tips and tricks from actual students! Loving your work”

“I found your podcast link last night after a reddit deep dive when trying to work out whether to study naturopathy through Torrens or Endeavour. Loved your episode with Naz!”

“Hello! Can I just say I’m loving your podcast episodes so much!!! Especially because I’ve been tossing up staying at endeavour or switching to Torrens and the people you are having on make it so much easier to weigh up the pros and cons”

“I just finished listening to your podcast with Naz. That was a really good listen! I resonated with Naz on what she was saying about sleep being priority etc. I definitely learned that after becoming burnt out a number of years ago. It was also interesting to hear why she changed to Torrens from endeavour. I started studying with endeavour many years ago but then had to withdraw because of my above burn out and adrenal fatigue. In saying that, as of this morning while I was listening to your podcast I got an acceptance email from Torrens uni to start in July and I'll be studying Diploma of Health Science. I'm excited, I might have to do a podcast episode with you at some point down the track”

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